Friday, February 15, 2019

Wurttemberg Artillery

This is my Wurttemberg Artillery by Old Glory Miniatures. I painted them with a grey primer. I tried to use an older method of painting and using a wash. I stopped doing this years ago. I would paint the miniature and then put a home made ink wash on last. This time I put the base colors on and then brushed an Army Painter wash. High lighting after. They came out nice.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

1st Regiment Wurttemberg

This unit is painted up to be the 1st Regiment "Prince Paul" of Wurttemberg. They were part of Ney's 3rd Corps, 25th Division "The Wurttemberger Division" under General Marchand who was with Ney at Jena and Spain.

These figures are from Blue Moon Miniatures. I made the mistake of priming them in a gloss blue. This made painting them a chore. The details of the miniatures are excellent which definitely helped me paint over the horrible primer. before I based them, I wasn't happy with the way they looked. But after basing them, I think they look better. Even my oldest daughter wanted to know "Why would you prime them blue?"

The one figure of the command pack that is a sergent has a large hand. So I made a stein for him to hold. Other wise the figures are nice.